Tuesday 10 May 2011

Mario Balotelli beats the bullies

City star stops pupil from being bullied

With so much bad press going around about Manchester City striker Mario Balotelli it was nice to read something positive about the Italian striker.
In todays Sun there's an article where Balotelli asked a younster why he was at the training ground with his mum rather than being at school. The student told him he was being bullied and didn't want to go to school.
Balotelli, himself bullied in the past, decided to take the pupil and his mother to the school and meet with the headteacher. The pupil then confessed what was going on, pointed out the culprit and at the end the two pupils shook hands and got everything sorted out.
Since his summer move Balotelli has had a number of stories in the papers showing the bad side of him but I have to say what he did was fantastic and shows that even though these players earn more in a week than most will do in a life time they still care and this shows Balotelli isn't all bad.
Just don't go ruining things Mario by being sent off in the cup final!!

To read the full article CLICK HERE