Wednesday 19 January 2011

Pennant Misplaces Porsche

News reports coming out today say Stoke City midfielder Jermaine Pennant received a call from Real Zaragoza to tell him he his Porsche was parked in a Zaragoza train station car park and has been there for the last 5 months

The 28 year old who played in Spain for Real Zaragoza was surprised to receive the call as he forgot he even owned the vehicle.  The car which has the number plate P33NNT was broken into by Zaragoza staff after it had been there since August and they discovered the keys on the car seat and have spent the time trying to tracking him down and reunite him with his car.

Premier League footballers are often criticised for losing touch with reality and earning to much money, this incident isn't going to disprove that stereotype.

Be interesting to hear you thoughts on this so email me and all views will be printed (as long as there clean!!) so email